While many people choose to go down the road of gym membership special equipment and supplements there are also those who like to keep it simple eat less but healthy and perform body weight exercises at the comfort of their home by doing these five exercises daily you'll start seeing improvements in your waistline size and overall body composition in less than a month and while you won't get the body of your dreams in such a short period we guarantee you that you'll feel like you're one huge step closer to that goal
#1. Plank
Are a perfect exercise for the abdominal muscles because they engage every major core muscle group including the transverse abdominal the rectus abdominis the external oblique muscle and the glutes it's essentially a one-move static exercise that will help you build a core of steel ripped abs and strong shoulders just get into push-up position on the floor bend your elbows 90 degrees and prop yourself on the elbows forearms and four feet forming a straight line from head to feet then hold it for as long as you can without moving your waist or butt
they're sometimes referred to as the queen of all exercises and with good reason squats are a full body fitness staple that work the hips glutes quads and hamstrings and cunningly strengthens the core it works 75 of your muscles in a single movement, and it should be one of the mainstays in any leg workout for the standard squat your feet should be shoulder-width apart or slightly wider extend your hands out in front of you and sit back and down keeping your head facing forward make sure that your back doesn't round keep lowering yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor if possible press back up through your heels
Starting from a plank position support yourself on your knees and hands and simultaneously stretch one leg in the opposite arm maintaining both perfectly straight hold for a moment then lower them down and repeat with the other leg and arm this exercise increases core strength in both abs and lower back
The lying hip raise is the perfect body weight exercise for building powerful glutes and hamstrings while also strengthening your abs back and thighs it will make your hips shapely and reaching for the sky lie on your back with bent knees and flat feet extending your arms out to your sides at a 45-degree angle squeeze your glutes and lift your hips toward the ceiling making sure to tilt your pelvis lift them up as high as possible squeezing your glutes slowly lower yourself down and repea
#1st Workout
- Plank-1 Minute
- Push-ups-1 Minute
- Squats-2 Minute
- Brid-Dog-1 Minute
- Lying Hip Raises-1 Minute
#2nd Workout
- Plank-3 Minutes
- Bird-Dog-3 Minutes
- Lying Hip Raises-3 Minutes
- Push-Ups-1 Minutes